CSS Verwysing

CSS Verwysing CSS-blaaierondersteuning CSS-keurders CSS-funksies CSS Verwysing Gehoor CSS Web veilige lettertipes CSS-terugvalfonts CSS Animateerbaar CSS-eenhede CSS PX-EM-omskakelaar CSS kleure CSS-kleurwaardes CSS verstekwaardes CSS-entiteite

CSS Properties

align-content align-items align-self all animation animation-delay animation-direction animation-duration animation-fill-mode animation-iteration-count animation-name animation-play-state animation-timing-function backface-visibility background background-attachment background-blend-mode background-clip background-color background-image background-origin background-position background-repeat background-size border border-bottom border-bottom-color border-bottom-left-radius border-bottom-right-radius border-bottom-style border-bottom-width border-collapse border-color border-image border-image-outset border-image-repeat border-image-slice border-image-source border-image-width border-left border-left-color border-left-style border-left-width border-radius border-right border-right-color border-right-style border-right-width border-spacing border-style border-top border-top-color border-top-left-radius border-top-right-radius border-top-style border-top-width border-width bottom box-decoration-break box-shadow box-sizing break-after break-before break-inside caption-side caret-color @charset clear clip clip-path color column-count column-fill column-gap column-rule column-rule-color column-rule-style column-rule-width column-span column-width columns content counter-increment counter-reset cursor direction display empty-cells filter flex flex-basis flex-direction flex-flow flex-grow flex-shrink flex-wrap float font @font-face font-family font-feature-settings font-kerning font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-variant font-variant-caps font-weight gap grid grid-area grid-auto-columns grid-auto-flow grid-auto-rows grid-column grid-column-end grid-column-gap grid-column-start grid-gap grid-row grid-row-end grid-row-gap grid-row-start grid-template grid-template-areas grid-template-columns grid-template-rows hanging-punctuation height hyphens image-rendering @import isolation justify-content @keyframes left letter-spacing line-height list-style list-style-image list-style-position list-style-type margin margin-bottom margin-left margin-right margin-top mask-image mask-mode mask-origin mask-position mask-repeat mask-size max-height max-width @media min-height min-width mix-blend-mode object-fit object-position opacity order orphans outline outline-color outline-offset outline-style outline-width overflow overflow-wrap overflow-x overflow-y padding padding-bottom padding-left padding-right padding-top page-break-after page-break-before page-break-inside perspective perspective-origin pointer-events position quotes resize right row-gap scroll-behavior tab-size table-layout text-align text-align-last text-decoration text-decoration-color text-decoration-line text-decoration-style text-indent text-justify text-overflow text-shadow text-transform top transform transform-origin transform-style transition transition-delay transition-duration transition-property transition-timing-function unicode-bidi user-select vertical-align visibility white-space widows width word-break word-spacing word-wrap writing-mode z-index

CSS cubic-bezier() Funksie

❮ CSS-funksieverwysing


'n Oorgangseffek met veranderlike spoed van begin tot einde:

div {
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  background: red;
  transition: width 2s;
  transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.1, 0.7, 1.0, 0.1);

Definisie en gebruik

Die cubic-bezier()-funksie definieer 'n Cubic Bezier-kromme.

'n Kubieke Bezier-kromme word gedefinieer deur vier punte P0, P1, P2 en P3. P0 en P3 is die begin en die einde van die kromme en in CSS is hierdie punte vasgestel aangesien die koördinate verhoudings is. P0 is (0, 0) en verteenwoordig die aanvanklike tyd en die aanvanklike toestand, P3 is (1, 1) en verteenwoordig die finale tyd en die finale toestand.

Die cubic-bezier() funksie kan gebruik word met die animasie-tydsberekening-funksie eienskap en die oorgang-tydberekening-funksie eienskap. 

Weergawe: CSS3


Die nommers in die tabel spesifiseer die eerste blaaierweergawe wat die funksie ten volle ondersteun.

cubic-bezier() 4.0 10.0 4.0 3.1 10.5


Value Description
x1,y1,x2,y2 Required. Numeric values. x1 and x2 must be a number from 0 to 1

❮ CSS-funksieverwysing