ADO UpdateBatch- metode

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Die UpdateBatch-metode word gebruik om alle veranderinge in 'n rekordstel in die databasis te stoor. Hierdie metode word gebruik wanneer jy aan 'n rekordstel in bondelopdateringmodus werk.

As die stoorbewerking misluk, vind 'n looptydfout plaas en die foute word in die Foutversameling gestoor.

Wenk: Die CancelBatch-metode kanselleer alle bondelopdaterings.

Let wel: Nie alle Recordset-voorwerpe ondersteun bondelopdatering nie.


bool=objRecordset.UpdateBatch affectrecords

Parameter Description
affectrecords Optional. An AffectEnum value that specifies which records this method will affect.

Note: The value adAffectGroup will generate an error if there are no visible records in the Recordset


Constant Value Description
adAffectCurrent 1 Affects only the current record
adAffectGroup 2 Affects only records that satisfy the Filter setting (Filter must be set to a FilterGroupEnum value or an array of Bookmarks)
adAffectAll 3 Affects all records if there is no Filter. Affects only visible records in the current chapter if Filter is set to a string criteria. Affect all rows of the Recordset if Filter is set to a FilterGroupEnum value or an array of Bookmarks
adAffectAllChapters 4 Affects all records in all child Recordset, including those hidden by a currently applied filter

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