ADO Vind metode

❮ Voltooi rekordstel-objekverwysing

Die Soek-metode soek na 'n rekord in 'n rekordstel wat aan 'n gespesifiseerde kriteria voldoen. As die soektog suksesvol is, sal die rekordwyser na die eerste gevind rekord wys.

Let wel: 'n Huidige ryposisie (soos MoveFirst) moet gestel word voordat hierdie metode geroep word, anders sal 'n fout voorkom.



Parameter Description
criteria Required. The column name, comparison operator, and value to use in the search.


"Country LIKE N*"

Note: This method does not support multi-column searches (AND or OR)

skiprows Optional. Specifies how many records beyond the current record to skip before beginning the search. Default is 0 
direction Optional. A SearchDirectionEnum value that specifies the search direction
start Optional. The starting position for the search


Constant Value Description
adSearchBackward -1 Searches backward from the starting position. Stops at the beginning of the Recordset. If no match, the record pointer is placed at the beginning of the Recordset
adSearchForward 1 Searches forward from the starting position. Stops at the end of the Recordset. If no match, the record pointer is placed at the end of the Recordset

❮ Voltooi rekordstel-objekverwysing