XML- tutoriaal

XML TUIS XML Inleiding XML Hoe om te gebruik XML-boom XML-sintaksis XML elemente XML-kenmerke XML Naamruimtes XML vertoon XML HttpRequest XML-ontleder XML DOM XML XPath XML XSLT XML XQuery XML XLink XML valideerder XML DTD XML-skema XML-bediener XML voorbeelde XML Vasvra XML-sertifikaat


AJAX Inleiding AJAX XMLHttp AJAX-versoek AJAX-reaksie AJAX XML-lêer AJAX PHP AJAX ASP AJAX-databasis AJAX toepassings AJAX voorbeelde


DOM Inleiding DOM nodusse Toegang tot DOM DOM Node Info DOM Node Lys DOM deurkruis DOM Navigeer DOM Kry waardes DOM Verander nodusse DOM Verwyder nodes DOM vervang nodusse DOM Skep nodusse DOM Voeg nodes by DOM Kloon nodusse DOM Voorbeelde

XPath handleiding

XPath Inleiding XPath nodes XPath-sintaksis XPath-asse XPath-operateurs XPath voorbeelde

XSLT- tutoriaal

XSLT Inleiding XSL-tale XSLT-transformasie XSLT <sjabloon> XSLT <waarde-van> XSLT <vir-elk> XSLT <sorteer> XSLT <if> XSLT <kies> XSLT Pas toe XSLT op die kliënt XSLT op die bediener XSLT Wysig XML XSLT voorbeelde

XQuery- tutoriaal

XQuery Inleiding XQuery voorbeeld XQuery FLWOR XQuery HTML XQuery-bepalings XQuery-sintaksis XQuery Voeg by XQuery Kies XQuery-funksies


DTD Inleiding DTD Boublokke DTD Elemente DTD-kenmerke DTD Elements vs Attr DTD Entiteite DTD voorbeelde

XSD- skema

XSD Inleiding XSD Hoe om XSD <skema> XSD-elemente XSD-kenmerke XSD-beperkings

XSD -kompleks

XSD-elemente XSD leeg Slegs XSD-elemente Slegs XSD-teks XSD gemeng XSD-aanwysers XSD <enige> XSD <anyAttribute> XSD-vervanging XSD voorbeeld

XSD data

XSD-string XSD datum XSD Numeries XSD Diverse XSD-verwysing

Webdienste _



DOM Node Tipes DOM Node DOM NodeLys DOM NamedNodeMap DOM-dokument DOM Element DOM-kenmerk DOM teks DOM CDATA DOM Kommentaar DOM XMLHttpRequest DOM-ontleder XSLT-elemente XSLT/XPath-funksies

XML DOM - Die dokumentvoorwerp

Die Dokument-objek verteenwoordig die hele XML-dokument.

Die XML-dokumentobjek

Die Dokument-objek is die wortel van 'n XML-dokumentboom, en gee ons die primêre toegang tot die dokument se data.

Aangesien elementnodusse, teksnodes, opmerkings, verwerkingsinstruksies, ens. nie buite die dokument kan bestaan ​​nie, bevat die Dokument-objek ook metodes om hierdie objekte te skep. Die Node-objekte het 'n eienaarDocument-eienskap wat hulle assosieer met die Dokument waar hulle geskep is.


Property Description
childNodes Returns a NodeList of child nodes for the document
doctype Returns the Document Type Declaration associated with the document
documentElement Returns the root node of the document
documentURI Sets or returns the location of the document
domConfig Returns the configuration used when normalizeDocument() is invoked
firstChild Returns the first child node of the document
implementation Returns the DOMImplementation object that handles this document
inputEncoding Returns the encoding used for the document (when parsing)
lastChild Returns the last child node of the document
nodeName Returns the name of a node (depending on its type)
nodeType Returns the node type of a node
nodeValue Sets or returns the value of a node (depending on its type)
xmlEncoding Returns the XML encoding of the document
xmlStandalone Sets or returns whether the document is standalone
xmlVersion Sets or returns the XML version of the document


Method Description
adoptNode(sourcenode) Adopts a node from another document to this document, and returns the adopted node
createAttribute(name) Creates an attribute node with the specified name, and returns the new Attr object
createAttributeNS(uri,name) Creates an attribute node with the specified name and namespace, and returns the new Attr object
createCDATASection() Creates a CDATA section node
createComment() Creates a comment node
createDocumentFragment() Creates an empty DocumentFragment object, and returns it
createElement() Creates an element node
createElementNS() Creates an element node with a specified namespace
createEntityReference(name) Creates an EntityReference object, and returns it
createProcessingInstruction(target,data) Creates a ProcessingInstruction object, and returns it
createTextNode() Creates a text node
getElementById(id) Returns the element that has an ID attribute with the given value. If no such element exists, it returns null
getElementsByTagName() Returns a NodeList of all elements with a specified name
getElementsByTagNameNS() Returns a NodeList of all elements with a specified name and namespace
importNode(nodetoimport,deep) Imports a node from another document to this document. This method creates a new copy of the source node. If the deep parameter is set to true, it imports all children of the specified node. If set to false, it imports only the node itself. This method returns the imported node
renameNode() Renames an element or attribute node

DocumentType Object Properties

Elke dokument het 'n DOCTYPE-kenmerk waarvan die waarde óf nul óf 'n DocumentType-objek is.

Die DocumentType-objek bied 'n koppelvlak aan die entiteite wat vir 'n XML-dokument gedefinieer is.

Property Description
name Returns the name of the DTD
publicId Returns the public identifier of the DTD
systemId Returns the system identifier of the external DTD


Die DOMImplementation-objek voer bewerkings uit wat onafhanklik is van enige spesifieke geval van die dokument-objekmodel.

Method Description
createDocument(nsURI, name, doctype) Creates a new DOM Document object of the specified doctype
createDocumentType(name, pubId, systemId) Creates an empty DocumentType node
getFeature(feature, version) Returns an object which implements the APIs of the specified feature and version, if the is any
hasFeature(feature, version) Checks whether the DOM implementation implements a specific feature and version

ProcessingInstruction Object Properties

Die ProcessingInstruction-objek verteenwoordig 'n verwerkingsinstruksie.

'n Verwerkingsinstruksie word gebruik as 'n manier om verwerkerspesifieke inligting in die teks van die XML-dokument te hou.

Property Description
data Sets or returns the content of this processing instruction
target Returns the target of this processing instruction