Bootstrap JS Tooltip

JS Nutswenk

Die Nutswenk is 'n klein opspringblokkie wat verskyn wanneer die gebruiker die muiswyser oor 'n element beweeg.

Vir 'n tutoriaal oor Tooltips, lees ons Bootstrap Tooltip Tutoriaal .

Via data-* Kenmerke

Die data-toggle="tooltip"aktiveer die nutswenk.

Die titlekenmerk spesifiseer die teks wat in die nutswenk vertoon moet word.


<a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Hooray!">Hover over me</a>

Via JavaScript

Tooltips is nie CSS-net-inproppe nie, en moet dus geïnisialiseer word met jQuery: kies die gespesifiseerde element en roep die tooltip()metode.


// Select all elements with data-toggle="tooltips" in the document

// Select a specified element


Opsies kan deur data-kenmerke of JavaScript deurgegee word. Vir data-kenmerke, voeg die opsienaam by data-, soos in data-plasing="".

Name Type Default Description Try it
animation boolean true

Specifies whether to add a CSS fade transition effect when showing and hiding the tooltip

  • true - Add a fading effect
  • false - Do not add a fading effect
container string, or the boolean false false Appends the tooltip to a specific element.
Example: container: 'body'
delay number, or object 0 Specifies the number of milliseconds it will take to show and hide the tooltip.

To specify a delay for showing and another one for hiding, use the object structure:

delay: {show: 500, hide: 100} - which will take 500 ms to show the tooltip, but only 100 ms to hide it
html boolean  false Specifies whether to accept HTML tags in the tooltip:
  • true - Accept HTML tags
  • false - Do not accept HTML tags
Note: The HTML must be inserted in the title attribute (or using the title option).

When set to false (default), jQuery's text() method will be used. Use this if you are worried about XSS attacks
placement string "top" Specifies the tooltip position. Possible values:

  • "top" - Tooltip on top
  • "bottom" - Tooltip on bottom
  • "left" - Tooltip on left
  • "right" - Tooltip on right
  • "auto" - Lets the browser decide the position of the tooltip. For example, if the value is "auto left", the tooltip will display on the left side when possible, otherwise on the right. If the value is "auto bottom", the tooltip will display at the bottom when possible, otherwise on the top
selector string, or the boolean false false Adds the tooltip to a specified selector
template string   Base HTML to use when creating the tooltip.

The tooltip's title will be inserted into the element having the class .tooltip-inner and the element with the class .tooltip-arrow will become the tooltip's arrow.

The outermost wrapper element should have the .tooltip class.
title string "" Specifies the text that should be displayed inside the tooltip
trigger string "hover focus" Specifies how the tooltip is triggered. Possible values:

  • "click" - Trigger the tooltip with a click
  • "hover" - Trigger the tooltip on hover
  • "focus" - Trigger the tooltip when it gets focus (by tabbing or clicking .e.g)
  • "manual" - Trigger the tooltip manually
Tip: To pass multiple values, separate them with a space
offset number or a string 0 Offset of the tooltip relative to its target
fallbackPlacement string or an aray "flip" Specifies which position Popper wil use on fallback
boundary string or element "scrollParent" Overflow constraint boundary of the tooltip. Accepts the values "viewport", "window" or "scrollParent", or an HTML element


Die volgende tabel lys alle beskikbare nutswenkmetodes.

Method Description Try it
.tooltip(options) Activates the tooltip with an option. See options above for valid values
.tooltip("show") Shows the tooltip
.tooltip("hide") Hides the tooltip
.tooltip("toggle") Toggles the tooltip
.tooltip("dispose") Hides and destroys the tooltip


Die volgende tabel lys alle beskikbare nutswenk-gebeure.

Event Description Try it Occurs when the tooltip is about to be shown Occurs when the tooltip is fully shown (after CSS transitions have completed) Occurs when the tooltip is about to be hidden Occurs when the tooltip is fully hidden (after CSS transitions have completed)