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PHP preg_match_all() Funksie

❮ PHP RegExp-verwysing


Vind alle voorkoms van "ain" in 'n string:

$str = "The rain in SPAIN falls mainly on the plains.";
$pattern = "/ain/i";
if(preg_match_all($pattern, $str, $matches)) {

Definisie en gebruik

Die preg_match_all()funksie gee die aantal passings van 'n patroon terug wat in 'n string gevind is en vul 'n veranderlike in met die passings wat gevind is.


preg_match_all(pattern, input, matches, flags, offset)


Parameter Description
pattern Required. Contains a regular expression indicating what to search for
input Required. The string in which the search will be performed
matches Optional. The variable used in this parameter will be populated with an array containing all of the matches that were found
flags Optional. A set of options that change how the matches array is structured.

One of the following structures may be selected:
  • PREG_PATTERN_ORDER - Default. Each element in the matches array is an array of matches from the same grouping in the regular expression, with index 0 corresponding to matches of the whole expression and the remaining indices for subpattern matches.
  • PREG_SET_ORDER - Each element in the matches array contains matches of all groupings for one of the found matches in the string.
Any number of the following options may be applied:
  • PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE - When this option is enabled, each match, instead of being a string, will be an array where the first element is a substring containing the match and the second element is the position of the first character of the substring in the input.
  • PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL - When this option is enabled, unmatched subpatterns will be returned as NULL instead of as an empty string.
offset Optional. Defaults to 0. Indicates how far into the string to begin searching. The preg_match() function will not find matches that occur before the position given in this parameter

Tegniese besonderhede

Terugkeerwaarde: Wys die aantal passings gevind of vals as 'n fout voorgekom het
PHP weergawe: 4+
Veranderinglog: PHP 7.2 - Bygevoeg die PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL-vlag

PHP 5.4 - Die pasmaats-parameter het opsioneel geword

PHP 5.3.6 - Die funksie gee terug as die offset langer is as die lengte van die invoer

PHP 5.2.2 - Benoemde subpatrone kan die (?'naam' gebruik ) en (? <naam>) sintaksis bykomend tot die vorige (?P<naam>)

Meer voorbeelde


Gebruik PREG_PATTERN_ORDER om die struktuur van die passings - skikking te stel. In hierdie voorbeeld het elke element in die passings -skikking al die passings vir een van die groeperings van die gereelde uitdrukking.

$str = "abc ABC";
$pattern = "/((a)b)(c)/i";
if(preg_match_all($pattern, $str, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER)) {

❮ PHP RegExp-verwysing